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Welcome to the Dandie Dinmont Trust site!


Last update: August 29h, 2017

The Trust was founded at year 2000 after we became concerned about the incidence of glaucoma within our breed.
We have given donations to the University of Missouri in America who are actively searching for the gene responsible for causing this disease. 

We have, and still do sponsor eye testing, have bought eye testing equipment for a specialist vet, and do all in our power to help the Dandie go forward into the next century. 

We need your help, buying our items for sale goes a long way into furthering our work, so visit our sales page and give us your support.
If you would like to learn more about us go to the Introduction page and follow the links to read about glaucoma and its treatment, and about other health conditions that may affect your dandie. 

Thank you so much for your visit, we hope you like our items and make them a part of your gift shopping.


 You can help us by donating money 
or else by ordering some of the items we sell 
to benefit this research.

They will be found at our Sales page.  

Donate money by using PayPal.



web card link

Support our work by sending a web card to your family and friends.

We have some nice cards to send to familie and friends, We are on facebook too, to let you know more frequently about the latest news!

View and Sign The Dandie Dinmont Trust Guestbook


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